Mouth ulcers are very common painful oral mucosal conditions that many people report to the dentist. Mouth ulcers are round or oval sores that appear inside the mouth, on the cheeks, lips, gum, and tongue. They can be white, red, yellow or grey in colour and swollen. It is possible to have more than one mouth ulcer at a time. They may spread or grow from point of initial occurance. Mouth ulcers are loss or erosion of the part of delicate tissue that lines inside of the mouth. It is also known as canker sores. Mouth ulcers are more common in females than males
What causes a mouth ulcer?
Often, the reason for mouth ulcers is unclear. Most single mouth ulcers are caused by damage caused to the lining inside the mouth, for example biting inside of your cheek, contact of sharp tooth , poorly fixed dentures, hard food , and defective dental fillings. Several other factors can also lead to mouth ulcer. Few prominent among them are given below
· Food Habits: Eating food like peanuts, almonds, strawberries, cheese, tomatoes, coffee wheat flour, and food containing gluten
· Genetic factors: Around 40 % of people reporting mouth ulcers reported that it runs in their families
· Hormonal changes: for some women mouth ulcer develops during their monthly periods
· Mental Health and Lifestyle: Stress and anxiety, Smoking cessation
· Nutrient Deficiency: Vitamin B12 or Iron deficiency
· Diseases: Viral infections, Crohn’s disease (A long-term condition that causes inflammation of the digestive system), Weakened immune system( HIV or Lupus), Reactive arthritis, Behcet’s disease( Rare disease where swelling of blood vessels happens)· Medication Related: Caused by certain medications like NSAIDs (eg: Ibuprufin), Beta Blocker drugs used for High BP and Angina, Nicorandil: Medicine used for treating Angina, Chemotherapy
What are the types of mouth ulcers?
Minor Aphthous ulcers
These ulcers are self-diagnosable and self-treatable. They are seen on the tongue and cause Mild to moderate discomfort. They develop due to stress and last for a very short time. It often gets cured on its own.
Major Aphthous ulcers
They are less common than minor aphthous ulcers. These ulcers are seen on lips, soft palate, and fauces. Pain and difficulty in chewing are often associated with this type of ulcer. These conditions last for up to 6 weeks and heal without leaving any scars These cases are found in HIV patients
Herpetiform Ulcers
This kind of ulcer is characterized by clusters of many ulcers which are smaller in size measuring about 2-3 mm in diameter. These ulcers are seen on the lateral and ventral surfaces of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. These sores last for up to 10-14days. It affects the older age group.
How Mouth ulcers can be treated ?
The most common methods for the treatment of mouth ulcers are:
– Drink plenty of water and eat citrus fruits
– Gargle using saltwater
– Usage of Chlorhexidine mouthwash: They are a simple, effective, and quick treatment for mouth ulcers (eg: Colgate Maxfresh Plax Antibacterial Mouthwash , Clohex Mouth Wash ). These mouthwashes must be used twice a day. Detailed dosage is available in each product’s carton – Intake of Vitamin B Supplements (eg: Vaamveda B Complex , Himalayan Organics Plant Based Vitamin B-12 ) , folate or Iron suppliments(eg: Gynoveda , INLIFE) can lessen the condition in some patients -Usage of Pain medications: Usage of Topical aesthetic gels (eg Dologel CT) can help reduce pain. If there are multiple mouth ulcers doctor advises corticosteroids (eg Fluocinonide) or Clobetasol ointments. Usage shall be only done under a doctor’s consultation and prescription
Frequent occurrence of mouth ulcers or canker sores requires the right diagnosis and treatment. It might be occurring due to underlying diseases or conditions. Identifying and addressing the underlying causes and treating them will help in a better prognosis for the patient
Disclaimer: The content in this article is intended for information purposes and is not a treatment recommendation. Please consult your doctor for all treatment plans.